Sito italiano English website

Sales conditions and privacy info

Sales conditions

General info about the sale of alcoholic drinks:

  1. In Italy the sale of alcoholic drinks is prohibited to people under 18 years of age. Do not buy alcoholic drinks if you are less than 18 years old. As distance vendors we may verify your age.
  2. Cà del Principe follows the national and international policies for the responsible drinking.
  3. Verify the laws of your country before buying alcoholic drinks. During the purchase, you have to declare implicitly to be informed about the laws of your country and to relieve the agricultural company Cà del Principe of every blame.
  4. Further importation taxes have to be paid.


Cà del Principe follows the Legislative Decree 185/99 “Implementation of the 97/7/CE guideline concerning the customer protection in the field of distance contracts”. If a product does not satisfy you or you have got other reasons for giving back the ware you have purchased, you can exercise withdrawal by sending Cà del Principe the withdrawal letter in ten days after the arrival of the ware (art. 5, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree). The withdrawal letter, which must be sent by recorded delivery with a return receipt, has to be addressed to:

Azienda Agricola Ca' del Principe di Borello Ugo
Frazione Valdivilla - Strada Nicrosi, 3
12058 - Santo Stefano Belbo (CN)

You can send the wtihdrawal letter in advance (always in ten days) even by mail ( or by fax at the following number: +39 0141 847150. In order to do this, the withdrawal letter has to be confirmed in 48 hours with a registered delivery (date as postmark) as paper proof of the withdrawal.
The ware, which must be intact, must be sent to Cà del Principe in ten days after the dispatch of the withdrawal letter.
You have to sustain forwarding costs until the demonstration of the receipt in our base, because of the restitution costs, responsability for damages, robbery or loss of returned ware with not insured forwardings.
Cà del Principe provides you for the repayment of the paid sum as quick as possible and not late than 30 days after the restitution of the ware by credit transfer (at your bank data) or electronical credit.

You can not exercise withdrawal for these following reasons:

  • absence of integral parts of the product;
  • damage of the product not caused by the transportation;
  • purchase from traders which have got the VAT code or who can not be identified as consumers.

Guarantee of the products

The products are guaranteed by hygiene of food products, measures and conditions which are necessary for the prevention of dangers and for the idoneity for the consumption by humans of a food product. Cà del Principe carries out self-control procedures provided by our H.A.C.C.P1 manual (Legislative Decree 155/97).

Buyer's duties

After concluding the on-line purchase procedure, the consumer applies itself in printing and keeping of the present general conditions which will have been examined and accepted as obliged stage of the purchase, as well as the specific ones of the product purchased, in order to satisfy integrally the condition according to the art. 3 and 4, Legislative Decree 185/99. It is strictly prohibited to insert false or invented data during the registration procedure which is necessary for the activation of the procedure of the execution of the present contract and their further relative communications; the anagrafical data and the e-mail address must be exclusively the consumer's real ones and not those of third parties or those that are /> It is expressly prohibited to do double registrations which correspond to one person or to insert the data of third parties.

What to do in case of damages

In case the pack results bruised, wet or presents any other type of damage, this must be immediately signalled on the carrier bullettin indicating the reserve of the control of the ware and (important) describing the exetrnal damage. Without this indication we won't be able to activate the insurance procedure for the claim of damages, in the case the product contained results damaged while you are opening the pack.

Exemption fo responsability

Cà del Principe is not responsible of direct and indirect damages that the customer may sustain in relationship with the use of the purchased product. Cà del Principe is not even responsible for damages caused by losses of data and delays in the delivery or for major farce cause.

Fiscal papers

The articles sold on-line in Cà del Principe website include VAT Tax (except from abroad).
For every sale Cà del Principe issues the following fiscal papers: the delivery note and the invoice or the fiscal receipt. A copy of them is included in the pack and sent simultaneously.
During the pruchase the buyer which needs the commercial invoice has to request it by furnish the company name, the VAT code and the fiscal code; the private person has only to furnish the fiscal code.

Claims and legal controversies

In case of claims please contact us at our e-mail address or call us at the following number: +39 0141 847150.
We apologize us for possible ortography, typing and translation mistakes of the textes. We are relieved form any responsability for material and moral damages caused by them.
In case a price has been published erroneously in the uncorrected way, we reserve the right to suspend the sale.
The prices of the products and of the offers published may vary according to year and format and for this reason we reserve the right to carry out modifications without any notice.
The site is updated many times at day.
Possible legal controversies will be held in the tribunal near to the vendor's place.

Acceptance of the orders

Cà del Principe reserves the right to not accept the customer's order if the conditions that are necessary for its execution does not exist.

Informativa Trattamento

AZIENDA AGRICOLA CA' DEL PRINCIPE DI BORELLO UGO, in qualità di titolare del trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi degli artt.13 e 14 del Regolamento UE 679/2016 - Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati (“RGPD”), in ottemperanza agli obblighi dettati dal legislatore a tutela della privacy, con la presente desidera informarLa in via preventiva, tanto dell'uso dei suoi dati personali, quanto dei suoi diritti, comunicando quanto segue:

Titolare del trattamento è AZIENDA AGRICOLA CA' DEL PRINCIPE DI BORELLO UGO, C.F. BRLGUO77T03B594E, email, con sede in FRAZ. VALDIVILLA - STRADA NICROSI 3 - 12058 - Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) - Italia. L'elenco aggiornato dei soggetti responsabili del trattamento, con le relative aree di competenza, è: • Titolare del trattamento - AZIENDA AGRICOLA CA' DEL PRINCIPE DI BORELLO UGO

• Dati personali non particolari (identificativi, contabili, finanziari, etc.) - Durata: Durata del trattamento 10 Anni

La fonte dei dati di cui al punto b è: Dati forniti dall'interessato
Basi Giuridiche:
• Esecuzione di un contratto
• Finalità: Dati per finalità di vendita e fatturazione
L'interessato ha l'obbligo di fornire i dati personali
Eventuali conseguenze della mancata fornitura dei dati personali: Impedire il perfezionarsi del contratto o la fornitura del servizio richiesto dall'interessato

Esclusivamente per le finalità sopra indicate, i dati saranno resi conoscibili, oltre che alle unità di personale interno al riguardo competenti, anche a collaboratori esterni incaricati del loro trattamento il cui elenco è disponibile presso la sede del titolare

Non sono presenti trasferimenti di Dati Personali a Destinatari fuori dall'Unione Europea

Tutti i dati personali conferiti saranno trattati nel rispetto dei principi di liceità, correttezza, pertinenza e proporzionalità, solo con le modalità, anche informatiche e telematiche, strettamente necessarie per perseguire le finalità sopra descritte. In ogni caso, i dati personali saranno conservati per un periodo di tempo non superiore a quello strettamente necessario al conseguimento delle finalità indicate. I dati personali dei quali non è necessaria la conservazione o per cui la conservazione non sia prevista dalla vigente normativa, in relazione agli scopi indicati, saranno cancellati o trasformati in forma anonima. Si evidenzia che i sistemi informativi impiegati per la gestione delle informazioni raccolte sono configurati, già in origine, in modo da minimizzare l'utilizzo dei dati.

Si rammenta che l'interessato ha diritto di accedere in ogni momento ai dati che Lo riguardano, rivolgendo la Sua richiesta al nostro responsabile del trattamento designato per il riscontro, utilizzando i recapiti di seguito indicati:
• Titolare del trattamento - AZIENDA AGRICOLA CA' DEL PRINCIPE DI BORELLO UGO - FRAZ. VALDIVILLA - STRADA NICROSI 3 - 12058 - Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) - Italia - 0141847150 - Allo stesso modo può esercitare, riguardo al trattamento in oggetto, i seguenti diritti: Informazione, Cancellazione dei dati


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